Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[í9z.1 Angel's laying that he was the Son onaieia.rr of the Tribe ofNapthali, and the fillies driving away all Devils, that they shall never return) Were but to be read, we know not how to ap- prove of that Law, Calendar or Rubrick, that commandeth fuch reading of them. But yet that is much lefs than the A4lent required to Atha- nafiu 's Creed; which yet we take (fave thofe damnatory fentences) to be the belt explication of the Myftery of the facred Trinity, which in fo fhort a fumme is extant in the Church. XX. The Liturgy faith [All Priefis andDea- cons are to fay daily the Morning and Evening Prayer, either privately or openly, not being let by tic&nefs, orfofne other urgent eagle. And the Cu- rate that- minifreth in every Parfh-Church or Chapel, being at home, andnot being otherwife rea- fonably hindred, ¡hall fay the lame in the Parìfh- Church or Chapel where he miniftreth, 2. The Conformifts agree not of the fenfe of this ; tome think that the ordinary incommodi- ties offuch a commanded ufe, may pafs as thole hinderances or urgent caufes mentioned in the ex- ceptions : But the more plain and ingenuous dealers hold, that the argent caufes and hinde- rances here mentioned, mutt be fomewhat ex- traordinary, and not any thing which is the ufùal cafe ofmoat Minifiers. 3, Cathedrals and Come other Churches have many Priefis and Deacons of whom one only can daily officiate in publ ick. And many are Chaplains in filch mens houles as will have other free prayers ufed. And most Minifers have great and neceffary work to do, which muff all be left undone, while the Common- Prayer is fair