Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

['931 raid over by them twice a day. They have Ser- mons to Rudy, many Books to read, that they may be furnifhed with rreceffary knowledge for their work : They have abundance of ignorant parifhioners to inftruet, exhort or. comfort; They have the lick to vifit , the dead to bury, the Sacraments to adminifter, families to govern, inftrut' and provide for. And many find free prayer from the immediate fenfe of their cafe and wants, to be fo profitable to them than they cannot (pare it : All which and more require the the fftic`teft improvement of every minute of their time : And if the Liturgy be read over by every Prieft and Deacon twice a day, it is cer- tain that much of them aforefü.id muft beomitted. And it is a great part of our Chriftian duty, when two good things come together, to choofe that which hic et nrunc is the greater ; to choofe the lefl'er then being a fin. 4. Therefore the Nonconformifts _dare not Affenr, Approve and Content to the tying of every Prieft and Deacon ordinarily to read over the Liturgy twice every day. And they are the more averfe to inch Approbation by feting fo very fewConformifts, Comparatively,to prance this themfelves ; which fheweth that they take it to be unlawful ; feeing it is their judgement that 'our Rulers muff be obeyed in all things which are lawful to be fo done. And if they that make filch declarations ofApprobation think it unlawful ordinarily to keep them , we may doubt whether it be lawful fo to ma's" them, as is required of us. 5. If God ask 6s, why we did not teach our families) vifit the fck, infruct ignorant neigh- O .bours