Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

941 Fours, ftitdY better for to difchargé Our 11/f ini- fieF work,lhát vve might be menofknowledge, and filch like, the doubt i's whether it will pars for a good anfwer to fay, we had not time, bëcüufL *e mcrffi: twice a day read the Common- Praver. XXI. Aifentinf;, Approving and Confenting to 41l things, even to all fciráns; orders, &c. inclu.- deth the Order of the Liturgy, Two Rules of the order of Prxyer are commonly acknowledged z. The nature and order of the iizatter to be ex- preffed, 2 The Lords Prayer as a diret`lory de- livered by Chriff. 2, The Nonconformift's that think that for the main there is nothing but good contained in moft of the Prayers of the LiturgY ; yet think that thty are greatIy dij;rderedand dfëFtive ; neither formed according to the order of matter, nor of the Lords Prayer, but like .an immethodical Ser=' mon , which is unloirable to the high fubjeas and honoueable work ofholy vvorfhip.. They have ofr offered, whenever it will be well taken, to give in ;Caralogue of the diforders and defeas of the Liturgy : Which yet they think it lawful to tire, in cded:énce, or for unity, or cvhen letter may be tired : But not to c.r;°irc?,e of filch d>fòrder; as we do not approve t of the ofour own duties, though tVe ate daily guilty of them unwillingly. XIsI[. The Preface to 1-he Book of'®rdiñatiort fáitl,, that Ecc It is cv:de,rt ro all men dd,:ge'iltly " irzí:r holy vcrii;res and c.aczexlt Authors, that 1i90Íi`les time there have been theft '''ORDERS C,;ri.fd''s Church, Bilbops, Prie Dracvtis, jeverdaó OFFICES ; vyJhich. are