Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

['951 gre repeated oft in the Colleds at Ordination To this all mil Affent and Confent. 2. Some of us are confcious that we have di.= ligently read the holy Scritares and ancient Au- thors, and yet three ORDERS and OFFICES are not evident to us. 3. We havegreat reafon to believe that Cal- vin, Beza, and many more Reformers, Blondell, matt, Rob'ert ..")kp kir, GerjceCalder- wood, Carti,vright, ?din Reynolds, Ames, Aznf:. wort h, and multitudes offuch Proteftants, did di- ligently read both Scriptures and ancients : As 'alfö Dr. Stallingfleet, Bithop Reynolds, and many fuel), who thought that Scripture initial- ted no particular forms of Government : As alto .Armacharus, and many other Papifts, who think that Bilhops and Priefts do not differ ordine, but gracits, which the R. Reverend Archbifhop Air ordinarily profeffed : We cannot affert that none of thefe diligently read Scripture or ancient Authors. 4, But efpecially when we find that even the ancient Church ofEngland was ofanother mind, as is legible in the Canons of e/Elfrick to Mil- ne in Speknan, pag. 573. 576. which conclude that (in the old large fenfe) there werebut feven Ecciefiagical Orders or Degries, and that the Bi- fhops and Presbyters are not two, but one : Haud ploris intereft inter Miffalem Presbyterum ittfe.opum, pans quad Eptfeopcm conifitutus fit ad ordinatianes conferenclas, &ad vifitandumfeu in- Ipiciendum carandurnque ea qua ad Deum perti- nent, quad nimia crederetur multitudini fi omnis Presbyter hoc idem faceret. Ambo fiquidem VNVIII maw EV,IVDEMZVE ORDI- 0 NEA1