[1961 1VEÌW, quamvis dignior fit ilia pars Epifcapi.] i 8. Non eft aliww ORDO conftitutus in Eccle- frafticis 1tdinifteriis, &c. Et Leg. Canuti, p. 551,' Paftores vocamus Eprcopos Sacerdotes, quorum partes font eruditione are doErinagreem Do- mini fpeceilari ac defendere, &c. 5. And Dr. Stillingfeet bath proved by fuffi- dent evidence, that the fame was the judgment of Archbifhop Cranmer, and other Reformers of the Church ofEngland. And it is the judgment of fome ofour Bifhops and Conformifts now. All which we fpeak not to fhew which fide we think to be in the right but that the flare of the queftion is, Whether we can fent to this as true, and approve and confent that it be ufed, as is appointed. [Mat it's evident to all men diligently reading, &c. that de fac`i`o there were three OR- DERS and Offices from the Apoftles times. XXIII, The ordering of Priefls requireth the Bifhóp to fpeak to the people at the Ordination ofPrier's, calling them [to comeforth in.the name of God, and fl-,e;v what crime or impediment they knots in the perfons to be ordained, .&c.j in imita- tion of the ancient Churches, when the Congre- gation over which they were fft,had their voice in his eletion or reception. 2.11e doubt is, whether fuck a folemn invi-- tation,,as in God's name, be not too vain to be Afl',ìted, and Approved, and Confented to, in a Church, i'where the people over whom he is fer, never ufe to be prefers, nor invited to it,. nor have any notice of it, or any call to meddle therein; being. ufùally many miles, and often many feore miles dif}ant ; nor any other people called to that work ; and rarely any people there