[197] there that have any knowledge of the man and his converfation. XXIV. The Ordaining of Priefts, and the Con- fecration ofBifhops both ufe tht'fe words as con- cerning the Of;ice[Receive the :Holy Ghoft fur the Office andwork of a Priefiz, of a Bfhop, &c.] 2. It is not doubted but that the Holy Ghoft mint fet Paftors over the Flocks; i. By quali- fying men for the Office, and making them de- limns of it : Both Grace, Ability and Willingnefs are ofhim: 2. By giving the Ordainers a diC cerning skill to know whom to ordain : 3. By giving the flock a difcerning and a willing mind. weyet know not of any other Collation of the Holy Ghoft, which Ordination can make. Nor know we that in any ofthefe fenfes there words can be well underftood : For I. Grace,Gfts and Willingnefs, are the e cfpofirio recipientis prefup- poled : we fee not how it can be lawful to or- dain him that feemethnot before to have them: what elfe are they examined about? Nor know we that God hath given any power to the Or- dainers now, by the laying on of hands,to make an ungodly man godly, or an unlearned or ig- norant man to be learned or wife, or a man of ill utterance to have a better tongue, or an un- willing man to be willing. The Apoftles had a miraculous power of giving the Holy Ghoft for extraordinary works , and fór abilities ftiddenly infufed; and they did it we never knew ofany in our age that did it ; and there- fore fuppofe that they have no promife or power fo to do. 2. And to give a difcerning skill to the Ordainers ; 3.0r to give a difcerning or willing mind to the people, are neither ofthem a giving 0 3 the