[4] how itt we hold it lawful or unlawful to ga-: ther Churches, or to feparate from Churches, or to differ from what is eitabliíhed by Authority : But the Application to our particular Cafe, and our Arguments thereabout, we muft not here prefume to publifh. They that accufe others as Schifmaticks, and Separatiffs, for deferring Churches, or gathering Churches out of Churches, and will not tell us what they mean by the word Church, nor give us leave to tell them what we mean, but judge in confufìon, and defpife explication, and necef- fary diffinaion, are men that we can neither be edified by, nor edifie, in this way. SECT. II. The VarioiMOpinions o. ffuch us wehave to do with. Seth. Ecaufe men will judge of fuch Cau- fes according to their feveral Prin- ciples, and Prefuppofitions, we muft take notice offome of the divers Principles of thofe whole cenfure we mutt expea : (Though not of incon- fiderable Seas.) SeU. II. And I. Some fay that no humane Form of Church. Government, and ofChurches, as governed, is of God's Inftitution (or as they fay, ?are Divino,) but that it is left to humane prudence. Sett. III. z. Some hold only an Vniverfal church (governed by a Pope, fay fame of them, or