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gal, are jure divino, and no other lawful. Seri. X. 9. Some think that Only Parochial Churches ordi ar ly,andJingle Congregations Ofany Neighbour Chriftians, when ParifhOrder cannót be obferved, are jure dvinó, Sect. XI. io. And föme think that or y Thai Jingle Congregations. ofChriftians, with- their Chó f en Paf tors, without any neceffary refpec to t -f rfb bounds, are properly called Churches of .D vine Inftit ition, though there Churches may and Mould hold filch affociations, as correfponderrce` and mutual help require. SeEb. Xft. There being fo -man forts of Churches in the world, (as llniverfal, National, Patriarchal, Provincial, or Metropolitical, Dio.- celan, Claffical, Parochial, Congregational) it is hard to give a juft decifion of the queítion, From which of theft, and when it is a fin tofepa- rate ; till it be firft known which of'thefe is Dim vine, and which of Humane Inftitution, and which HumaneChurches are neceffary, which law- ful, and which finful. And it maft be known of which the queftion is. And while there is fo nal a diverfity of Judgment, about the feverar Forms, the nature of Schifm will be hardlier' opened. SECT. III. What Churches we hold to be inflituted God, andwhat not. R own judgment we {hall plainly exprefs in this -following Order :. 13 4 1. We