Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[9 plicitely, by Tome fignification of Confent, they maybe an accidental Affembly,but not a proper Chrisx -ion Church. If they be not affociated [ for this holy Com- munion] they may be a Civil Society, but not a Church. If they be not alfociated [for Perfonal Com- munion] at fome due feafons, but only for Com- munion at diflance by Delegates, Meffengers or Letters, they are not a Particular Church of this fpecies now defined, though they may be mem- bers of larger affociations, National, Dioce- Tan, &c. If they are not affociate with one or more Pa- tiers, they may be a Community of Chriftians, but not a Political Church,which we now define. If they are not joyned with a Paftor that hath all the forefaidPowers, ofVeaching, Ruling by the Word andKeys, and going before them in WorfhiP; and if they content-not to his relation as fuch, they may make à School, or an Oratory, but not a proper particular Church fimpliciter, fo called [but only a Church fecundnrn quid, or as to forne part ;] for an Effential part is wanting. But it is not the defect of Exercife that unchurcheth them, while there is the Power, and that con- tented to (for Men cannot be Paftors or Churches againft their. wills.) SeEt, V. 3.. As all Chriftians grant that the .1poftles had a general Commifion to call Infidels to Chrift, and to plant Churches with their particular Paftors as aforefaid, and to take care that their Pallor and they do the duties, ( not compelling them by their Sward, but by the Word,) fo we are far from denying that yet forne