Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

.272, Nary {hauld be called The 'other or Pared* ofMAN, or that Parent of GOD Nyori:ls, the end the controverfe, was gai,;lt both, and would have her cdl'p'd, `T;ve Parent (,°rr'gí- tv'Yrß was God and mats (b rr not of God: jSorne Start- led at this ; And Gyvzt of 4lexa- ,4 is (a man of great parts,'fpirit and 'i ower, t;?,- he-tad of a tur- bulent people, the firft Frfl,c,p, lain Soceates,tbat affumed the SYvorct) whore Letters reproof to him ; and Cole tine, Bil op of -ome fecunded him : yea Cyril fdlloweth it with writing upon writing, to prove that S. Mary muff he called the Parent of God ; with fo great a number of words, and, fo many Anathemat.1'rns, as tz1.ide the noife and flame great, but arihiguitt° made it feem dangerous to many ; fo that it grew to a great and open controverfie, whether 1F "e ftorius or Cyril was a damnable Heretic:k ; fome fo Call- ing one, and fome the other ; fro that the Empe- rour Theod, 2. was fain to call a General Coun- cil at "Ephefirs, to prevent the utter coufufion of the Churches : There Z?ejtoriz's came firft, and once only appeared ; and being charged with the Herefie of denying Mary to be the Parent of God, he told them, that he would not fay that God was two or three months old, and fo departed. ToCyrils large writings,he returned a Mort Let- ter, profeffing, that he was for the diß nc`lion of Natures only in the Vnity of Per_ fin ; but at large proveth that Chrifts Godhead had no beginning, that it could not fifer, or die, or rife again and therefore that thole things which were faid of the Manhood, muft not be faid of the Godhead, that it was begotten, dyed, 6-e unlefs they would be Hereticks or Pagans. Read their tonfeflion brought