Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

brought into the Council againft them by Chary- fiuo and their Anathemata's after;and I think you will fee, that the erroar of Neforius lay in his want of skill in (peaking, and that one fide fpOke of a phrafe de abftrac` o, and the other of the Concrete ; and if fo, both meant the fame thingi though Cyril was judged to u(é themoft skilful words: Cyril denyed not but that the Deity.wa not begotten or Crucified, but Paid that God was, begotten and Crucified, and teasp4ible; lt?eforius denyed not that he who Was God in one petfot with the manhood, was begotten, Crucified and pafíible, but not the Deity. But Cyril Laid that the phrafe [Godwas born, Cruced, &c.] was good; yea neceffary, and not ( without anathe- inarized, herefie) to be denyed, becaufe to one perfon the titles and anions are communicable Neftorius Paid, that it was wicked to commúni- cate the infirmities of humanity to the .Deity, as to fay, Goddid growbigger, and was afraid, and was hungry,and needed help from Angels,and died.) For he thought this phrafe applied it to the Deity : (Let any man that's impartial, judge whether this Controverts were not about words, rather than matter.) Theodoret was a greater Scholar than Neftorium,and he became the Champ pion ofhis Caufe, fuppofing that Locutao formalis eft .maxime.propria; and therefore that he that faith, Godhad a beginning, increafe5 death, p'aons, mutt be fuppofed to mean it, qua Deus, as he iS God : And fo two Saints , St. (Ira and St. Theo- claret, fell at large to prove each other damnablt liereticks. ?ohn, Patriarch of Antioch, being fay çtf, was long in coming tó the Synod. A'Iemnon., Eifhop ofEp'mfus joyning with Cyril, before h and this Bifhops came, he an and condemned ,and depoie