[z74] depofed Neftioritss as a Heretick; Neflárius let them all alone, and medled little himfeli, afiedg- ing that Candàdtanus Comes forbad him to appear. But when ?ohn of Ant. came,he took Neftorius's part, and gathered a Council with hhnfeif, and Candidianus the Emperours Officer took his part. ?ohn's Council condemned and depofed Cyril and Memnon, as they had done Neftoreus : And thus two Councils at Ep lieíts fate damning one ano- ther.. The Emperour knew not what to do with them, but requireth each party to fend force of their Bifhops to him : when they came, he per- mitted them not long to come neerer than Cal- . cedon, for fear of tumults : while they were there, the people of Conftantinople flocked to them, and molt of 1.lhe people being for 11/efto- rius, and moft of the Courtiers , Clergy and Monks againft him, they fell into diffention to the ffoning of Tome about their Meetings, for Preaching to the People. Theodora and his Af - fociates prosecuted it againft Cyril, as thofe that declared their refolution to die rather than yield to his Herefies (as they called them) and accufed him as if he had been the moft proud, unquiet troubler of the world. The other fade anfwerably accufed themofdangerous blafphemy andherdic-. At last the Emperour thought it the belt way for peace, 'to fend yahan. Cowes Largitionum with poser and comp ïion to depof`e the Leaders that each party had depofed, vz. Neftoritas, and Cyril wad Memnon: But john wrote an Epiftle to the Emperour. how ftarious theyrwere againft each tlaér, and how Gyril's Party Would not hear the Ei'éroìir's Letters,becaufe Neftorius was there, anel -hbw they raged and fell to fighting (a dole-