E2751. `ul f}oryó), But at fail the Eniperour Peeing that Cyril had the ftronger (and the orthodox) fide, and the Court. and Clergy being againft Nefto rius, and yet being loth to divide yob. Antioch, and the Oriental Bifhops from the refl., th:;ught it the moft healing way to depofeNeftorius alone, and reftore Cyrrt and Memnon, and to charge ( magna cum feveritate jubet, faith Bin, Notes). ?oh, Ant, to be reconciled with Cyril, and to unite ; fo that ?oh. and 7heodoret, and the Ori- ental Bill-lops moved with fear,and defiring peace Pent their Confeffion to Cyril, and Cyril raid it was the fame that he meant ; and fo they were fuddenly made all Orthodox, that had not under- flood it but by the Rod : But Neftorius returned to his Monaftery by Antioch(Chryfoftom's place) and there liv'd four years in great peace and re- putation ; but then he was no longer tobe there endured, but banifhed into forein Countries, dri- ven about in fufferings, in which he died, And '7heodoret, it feems,was not well reconciled,when, hearing of the death of Cyril, he wrote to ?oh,' Antioch. that now there was hope the Churches might have peace, the great enemy of all peace . being gone to the place where fuch men ceafe to trouble, &c. But fo great was the rupture thus made, that to this day it is not healed, great part of the Eaft adhering then to NeJtorius,' and thofe Country-Chriftians being called;Neftorian H°reticks, and out of the Church by the Papifts to d ifgrace them,becaufe they will not own their. Pope Neftorius being thuscondemned, Eutyches thought he would be far enough from his He- refìe, aqd faid, that the Onion ofChris's two Na-. tires made them to be but one: This Herefie one. T y Council