Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[1.761 z Council at Content. under Flavian, condemned. Another after by the countenance of the Empe Tour acquit him : The Emperour Theod. 2. com- mandeth a General Council again at Eph fas, and maketh Diofcorus Prefident; who being Cyril's Succeffor, though he had held to his Doctrine againft Nefiorius, for the unitive Predication ; and though he profefled that the Synod medial not defide, but about matter of Juftice between Flavian and Eutyches, yet countenanced by the Emperour, he domineered, and by threatning got all the General Council fave the Popes Le- gates to fubfcribe againilFlavian, and he was beaten, and died of the hurt, faith Bin. Notes, In hoc tarn horrendo Epifcoportum fuffragio fold 1VaviChla Petri incolumis emergens, fzlvatur. The whale Council went againft the Pope, and the right : But fore Chrift's United Natures are in feveral fenfes both two and one ; but two in the primary and molt proper fènfe. Thus you fee what unhappinefs even this National Government of Bifhops in thole good times was lyable to. It was by Bifhops firiving who íhould be chief that the Donatits fet up againft the Cdtholicks, and the very Novatians were not free ; much lees the "ippolinarians, and molt others that canted the Schifms of thole times, in which the Bifhops were almoft ever the chief caule. Even filch worthy men as 1'heophilurs,4lex,and Epiphni=' could not endure Cdhr'3foftom ; fuch men _ e jetied him once and again, as Theoetoret fàith he purpofely forbeareth t ^stye for reverence of their virtues. And if you come to the fourth Great General- Council ; alcea'ei you Will find the fame caufe.of lamen- tation