[277] ration, and that even worthy men in fuch temp tations are frail,when a new Emperour Martian was on the other fide, ( the right; )when Drof corers had profelled that he was neither for tranfmutation , diváfion, nor ccrfufion of Chrif s natures (and therefore was for diftrnEtion ; ) when the EgyptianBishops profelfed their confent with the Synod, only craving that they might not be put to Anathematize Daofcorus rill they had another Patriarch, but fo long to delay ; when they profeffed that if they did, they were fure to be killed when they came home, and falling on the Earth cryed to their brethren miferemini màfremiii (pare us or kill us here yet they cry out heretickF, hereticks, away with them, till the civil Judges refuted them: and how many of there had but lately fùbfcribed againft Flaviam at Ephefus, (& here were in one point for Leo, and in another againft him?) Leo's Epiftle which was for their caufe against Diof- corks they cryed up ; and condemned Dio f orit.{ for excommunicating the Pope ; but the Canon for exalting Conftantinopte, they maintained againft Leo's Will, and contemptuoufly cryed out uà aliter fentiunt Romam ambrslent ; he chat readeth the clamours at this Council, and how the fame Bifhops that had lately fubfceibed the con- demnation of Flavianu-s with Diofcoxus were zealous here on the other fide, and creed out omnes peccavimrc, excufing it by tht-ir fear of threatnings and Souldiers, when a poor Chriftian woman could have fuffered Martyrdom rather than fin ; And he that readeth how after all this they were fo ready to Anathematize others, and to contemn the proftrate Egyptian Bifhops, will T 3 think