[2791 3. When Leocame to reign, the fedition revived at Al x4ndria between the murderers of .P7.4- term : Timothy Eluru-s made Bifhop by the Councils enemies, depofed by Leo, and Timothy, Salophaciolals put in his place, and all was in con fufion; The Egyptian Bifl:ops write to the Empe- rour againft the Eutychian+ ;The Emperour fends forth his circular letters for theiCouncil; Niceph. 1. i s . c. 17. 18. 19'. 4. At .Antioch, Pet ru , C ap4esss ambitious of the Bifhoprick, got into .artyrius place by Leo's help,andanathematized all that would not fay that God was Crucified and Suffered, and tore that Church in pieces : Mar tirius, when he could do no good, forfook them, with there words [ Clero rebelli et populo inobe- dienti ecclefîc conraminate nuncium r:.mitto :1 Cnapheus reviled the Council : Leo for this bani- flied him : Stephanus,a friend of the Council,fìac- ceeded him ; him bores killed with {harp gulls and cart him into the river for favouring the Council : And Calendion fucceeding hin, made themAnathematize the aforefaid Cn,iph us, Leo being dead, diffolute Zeno reigned Baf lifcus taking advantage of his lewd life, ufurped the Empire, and made ufe of the Schifms to promote his ends : And firft publifheth his circular againft the Council of Calcedon ; to this fàith Niceph. 1. 16. c.4. befides the three Patriarchs no lets than five hundred Bifhops fubfcribed, and renounced theCouncil. But .Acacius of Conftarìtin. and Day. Columella pt:rfwaded Bafilifcus quickly to write clean contrary Letters for the Council, feting that this was like to prove the ftronger fide. And when Zeno was reftored, who was for the. Council, the Afian Bifhòps turned again, and T 4 wrote