Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[2801 wrote to .macarius to be pardoned, Paying that they fubftribed to hiflifcus firft Letters, not voluntarily, but through fear Nceph,l, i6. c. 9, Then things were turned back again ; till Zeno thc,ught it the belt w iy to write hisHenoticon or Conciliatory° edift, that none fhould be forced to profefs themfelves either for or againft the Council,perceiving that the l3ifhops'would never corne to àgr eetrtenr,either as for it or againft it But this ended not the divifions : But at Antioch Calendaon was calf out. And Pet, Cnapheus got in ágain : Andat dr a between Peter Mog- ous and John ftriving who fhould hold the place, all was in confusion. Yea the Schulm reached to Rome alfo5 for A ogg.i.s at Alexandria Anathe- inatizing the Council, and perfecuting 'diffen- ters, The Emperour Peeks tb- reconcile them ; 'Felix at Rome corde air ethAcaiis at C'o 2flanrino- pie , for communicating with Moggus : Acafius condemneth Felix,. blotting his name out of the Sacred Albe. Acaf?is dyeth, and the Emperour found it fo hard to choose a Patriarchy that thould caule fédition, that he will have God choofe one-5 and to that end puts a blanck paper on the Altar,and another reciuefting God that an Angel inidd-t Write there` the name of the Patriarch that should polrefs the'place: The doors '4re lock'r,and forty daies faftinr and prayercorn- manded to prevail with God : One Flavita. bribed' the Key- Keeper, who was the Empe- rours Lord Chamberlain, and he writeth9 llavitas name in the Paper and fealeth up the door again, 'am; fo there was a Patriarch chofen y an Angel ; but dyed fuddenly within four nnontbs But before he dyed,' he )oyned with Peter.