Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

2 8 (1 Teter are4leexandria by f}rnodal Letters toAnathe- matize the Council of Calct.don and yet wrote to the Bifhop of Rome that he renounced Com- munion with Peter, and he wrote to Peter that he renounced Communion with the Bifhop of Rome. 'Euphemius fucceeded him, and he rated Peters name our of the Book, and joyned with the Roman Bifhop. Peter and Eup/oemtus as Generals were gathering fynodical A. mi s . gair.ít each other, and Peter dverh Athanali'us that filcceeded him, would fain have reconciled his Church but could not Palladius fucceeded P rtr Cnapheus at Antioch : Both theee Patriarchs joyn together to curie the Council of Caleedon ; They die: Yohn fucceeded at Alezandi'ia and Plavianus at Antioch : Thefe alto joyn to curfè the Council, while the Patriarchs of Rome and ConfLantinopie are for ir, and curie them. Zeno dieth,and Anafta/ins Dicorus is chofen Emperoute He (faith Niceph. (. i6. e. 7 5.) being a man of Peace, and defiring' the ceafing of all contention, left all ,to their liberty to thmk of the Council of Çalcedon as they pleated : Hereupon the Bifhops fell into three Parties, fome fervent for every Word of the Council ; fome curled it; and fbme Were for Zeno's Henoticon, or filence, or finfpen- fion Thele renounced communion accordingly ti,vith one another ; the Eaft was one wav ; the Weft 'another ; and Libya another ; Nay, the Eaftern Bifhops among themfelves ; the Weftern among therfelves, and the Lybian among them- felves, renounced communion with each other Niceph. C. 2 `Tanta con; u io mentiurn u Caizgo p 5) fl ' faith the Hittorian) orbem univerfum incl./it. The Empereur having rcfòlvcd to 'keep peace, and make