Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[2S2 make no change, was forced to fall upon thofe ofboth fides that were molt turbulent. At Con, fiantinople he put out Euphemius (or for diflike ofhim.) This Emperour, before his enthroning, had given under his hand to Ephemass, a pro- mile to ftand for the Council : He demanded his writing again ; Euphe »ius denied him,- and was caft out : Macedonius fucceeded him : He had the fame writing : The Emperour demanded it of him : He allo denied him: The Emperour would have ;,tit him out : The people rife up in fedi- tion, and cryed, It is a time of¡vl4rtyrdvm : Let ass aei fti4kto the BeJhop : And they reviled the Emperour, .calling him a Manichee, unworthy the Empire. The Emperour was fain to fubmit to 4,11.;edonius, who fharply rebuked him as the Churches enemy; but in time he, remembred this, and cast out i4?acedonius, and burnt the Councils ACES, and put 7mothy in his place, who prefentiy pull'd down the Image of Macedonius : The Patriarchs alfa ofAlex.Antioch, &Bifhop of Jrrufalem,were all caft out, even thofe that were agaïnff the Council. Pet. Cnapheus, had made one Xenaia.r a Perfaan fervant & unbaptized,_Bithop of íierapoiis He was against Images, and brought á troop of' Monks to Antioch, to force Flavianus the Bifhop to curie the Council : Flavianus de- nied it : The people fiuck to the Bifhop, and Ib unanfkverablt> disputed down the Monks, that fo great a multitude of themwere flain,as that they shrew their bodies into the River Orontes,to fave them labour of burying of them. (1\icep. c.27.) But this was not all ; another troop of Monks a Cdiofyria, that were. of Fiavianus fide, hear- ing of the tumult, flockt to Antioch, and made ano-