E2$ 31 another [laughter as great as the former (f+h tie Hiftorian.) For this the Emperour barn-filed FIaianus, whole followers thought his punifh- ment too great after all thete murders. P.t.r be n; dead, the Bishops of Alexandria, Egypt and Lybza, fell in pieces among themfi lves ; each having their feparate Conventions : The reft of the Ealt alto feparated from the Weft. brceufe the Well would not communicate with them, unlefs they would curie Nefrorius, Eut . ch s,, Diofcorus, Moggus, and Acacius. And VF t (faith Niceph. 1. i c. 2 8.) ui fiermani Diofcori c5°' Eutychetis fëttatores fuere, 4d maximurnpaucsta- tem redacti font. Xenaias bringeth to Flavian the names of Theodore, Theodorite, Ip.s, and others, as Nefforians, and tells him, if he á,ythe- matize not all there, he is a Nefforian, v h . tever he fay to the contrary Flavian was unwilling, but his timerous fellow-B (hops perfwading him, he wrote his curie againft them,and fènt it to the Emperour. Xenatas then went further, and re- qu'red h m to curie the Council : 1 hey prevail- ed with the Ifauraan Bifhops to content . and ai1 . renounced the refuters as Neltorians : And thus the Council having (in name)condemned theNe- fforians and Eutychian.c, the Eutychianc called all Nerorians that curled not the Council, and got many call out. After Flavian,Severos gut in at ,rzntioch The firft day he curled the Council (though it's laid that heOvore to the Emperour before that,he would not) Niceep. c. 29. In Pa- leftine there were renewed the like confufions a- bout the condemnation of Flavian and Macedá- nias : About Antioch Severus Letters frightened Many Bifhops to curie the Council, and thole that