[z84 that held two Natures : Some Bithops revoked their fèntence,and Paid they did it for fear: Some flood out: And the IfsrianBifhops, when they repented, condemned Severos himfèlf, that drove them to fubfcribe : And force Bifhops fled from their Churches for fear. Cofmas and Severianas lent a condemnation to Severos : The Emperour hearing of;r, Pent his Procurator to cart them out of their Bifhopricks for prefuming to con- demn their Patriarchs. The Procurator found the people fo refolute, that he Pent word to the Emperour, that there two Bifhops could not be Batt out without blood-fhed : The Emperour an- fivered; that he would not have a drop of blood flied for the bufinefs. Hehas Bifhop of ?erufa- lem, found :ill the other Churches in loch confu- lion, condemning one another, chit he would Communicate with none of them but Euphemius at Conf. . Nic.p. c. 32. And that you may fèe how people then were moved,a Monk -or Abbot TTneo- doiius gathering an Aff'emh1y loudly cryed out in thePulpit, Elfany man equal not the fout Councils ?t i h the four Evangel.fts, let him be' Anathema.] This voice of their Captain refolved them all, and they took it as a Law, that the four Councils fl,ould be [faeris libris accenfenda ] and wrote to theEmperour certamenfe de eis adfanguinem ufq; Mau'ros. (This was then the fubmifìon to Prin- ces by the adherents to the Councils of the (hops. ) And they went about to the Cities to bring them to joyn with them. The Emperour wrote to Heliasto reform this : He reje`ting his Letters, Souldiers were Pent to compel them; The Orthodox Monks gathered by the Bifhops, tumultuoufly caft the Emmer-ours Souldiers out of the