1"2,851 the Church: (c. 34.) After another conflux they anathematized thole that adhered to Severn.% The Emperour provoked, fent Olympias with a bandof Souldiers to conquer them. He came and call out J-Ielias, and put in yohn : The Monks gather again, and the Souldiers being gone, they caufe John to engage himfelf to be againit Seve- rus, and Pond for the Council, though unto blood; which, contrary to his word to Olympias, he did. The Emperour depofH Olympus, and fent ano- ther Captain Anaflefus, who put the B,fnop in prifon, and commanded him to defpife the Coun- cil ; confttlting with another Bifh,p, he promifed to obey him, if he would but let him out ofpri- fon two dales before, that it might not feem a forced act: This being done,the B'lfhop contrarily to the C_,rtgregation in the pulpit, before the Captain cryeth out Elf any affent to Eutyches and Neflorius (contraries) andSeveros andSoterichus C&far, let him be Anathema Ifany follow not the Opinions of the four univerfal Synods, let him be .Ana`hema.] The Captain thus deluded, fled from the multitude, and was glad to lave himfelf The Emperour being offended at this, the Bifhops write to him that at Jerufalem, the fountain of Dotrine, they were not now to learn the Truth, and they woulddefend the Traditions, if need be, even to blood] Nicc'p.,c. 34. TimothyBithop ofGonfiantïnople took the man- pleafing way, and one while v,)/as for the Calcedon Council, another while he curled it. Being to choofe an Abbat, the Abbat refuted his eleion, unleís he contented to the Council of Calsedon. Timothy curled thofè .prefently that received not the Council His Archdeacon hearing him, reproached