Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[2861 reproached him that like Euripus, roled every way : >i'he Emperour hearing it, rebuked him, and rimot"y wafht away thecharge and prefeatly curled every one that received the Council. Niceph. c. 35. Yet Rome though row, under a- nother King CTbeoder:c% an . `rriz Goth ) had a part in the Schifm: FeYí í s a Roman Senator 'was fens from Theodorickto the Emperour on an Embúffie : Which when he had-done, he defired that Confantinopte would keep holy dates for P'ter and Paul as Rome did, and he prevailed : And he fecretly affured the Emperour that 4naf- tafias Bifhop of Rome would receive the Henoti- con (ro fufpend the confent to the Calcedon Council ) and would fubfcribe it. But when the Embaffadour came home, the Pope was dead t To make good his word, he got a party to choofe Laurentius Pope, that would do it : The people ( that then had the chief choice ) chofe Syrnmachus fo there were two Popes: And the fedition continued three years not without flaugh- ters, rapines and other calamities ( Nicephö c. 35. ) till Theodorack an A -Tian more righteous than the Popes called a fynod and confirmed Symmacous But Laurentius ítirred up the people to (edition and was quite degraded. The Empe- rour favouring the addition [ z; i Crucifaxus elk pro nobis ] the people feditioufly cut offa Monks head and fet it up on a pole infcribing it an e3erny to the Trinity : The Enverour overcome with their confufon and orthodox rebellions, c,.11ed an affembly and offered to refign his Crown, defiring them to ehoofe another; which fnote themwall filch remorfe,that they defired 1Tii1 to reff e his Crown and promised to for- bear