Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

`2871 bear (edition : But he dyed fhortly after. But I mutt not tranfcribe hittorical Volumes. iaifin fucceeded Ai2aJtaß s in the Empire,and yuf$tnian' him : Th fe were for the Synod : But 7heoaor4 7ujtanaans Wife was against_ it : Some thought by compact, that each part might have a head, which was indeed but one ( Nceph. 1. s7. c.7 ) Should I tell you in their reigns how the Eccle -- fiaft.ical war continued, how Pope Agathon menus inp rrr¡t Mene Confrant. quad antea nun- 91,4m to fattum efit, Nicepb. c. 9; HowMens and the Pope excommunicated one another, and how 7ufrinian ufed Ilrgilius the Pope, &c. it would be over tedious to tell. I have wrote this much to Phew you how far the Patriarchal feats conduced to the Churches peace, and how far the four Mt. Councils of Bithops caufed Chriftian Love and Concord : No fuch things can be laid of the Arabians, and Novatian Phr)gioins and others that had Biíhops in the villages : Should I but now turn to Rome and tell you what was done there, all this Confufion,blood and mifery is but a jeatro it : But I have fàid enough of that in many treatifes againft Popery ; and particularly of the above 40 years Schifmwhen they had 2 or 3 Popes at once; and of the above 5o Popes that Baronius- and Genebrard, themfelves call Apoftatical, put in by whores and poyfon, men not to be named, fave to keep a reckoningof the times; many damned by Councils as horrid Adulterers, Murderers, Simonifts, Hereticks, or infidels : Nor will I recite how in the many wars between the Popes and Emperours, the Bi- fhops fwore, and unfwore, and forfwore as the upper fide compelled them as V7fpergenf: corn-