Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

corn plaiheth. Nor will I fared ro tell von, how the Pope and Patriarch of Conftartinople (to whom adhere thofe of Antioch, Alexandria and ?erufalean) have thefe thotifand years almoft divided and diffracted the Chriftian world, by ftriving which thould be the greatef, when Chrift had fo fully - decided the caksjlatjvhat now if after fo many hundred years confufiorl it fhould prove, that all this fir was in the dark; and that 1Veftorius Eutyches, and Diofcoruswere of the fame mind except in words : Can the tongue of man then fufficiently expref the Bi® (hops guilt? A rare French Divine and Philofopher David Derodon hath written aTreatife de fuppofato, copioufy proving that Neflorius was orthodox, and Cyril an heretick, and all the firft Ephefin Council that adhered to him ; that Eutyches and Dao`caruc taught but the fame herefiè that Cyril did; that theCouncil of Calcedan ignorantly condemned 1Vef.'torius and truly ffablifhed his opinion ; and cryed up Cyril and damned his doctrine : And he citeth abundant paffages out of Cyril, where he exprefly denyeth two natures- in Chrift, (as .Lp. 2. adf'ccafs. In Chrifto dual natures Unitas affrimns:poft unionem vero adenptâ j.,m i i duns dav,fione, unam efe credimus naturam iilii incarnati : ) And that Neflarius exprefly affureth that there are two natures and but one perfon : The citations are numerous and unde- niable. But I think that Cpa, Eutyches and Diofcorus ( who were all ofone nriind) did mean that the natures were but one in op- 7ofttiorl, to divißon, but not in oppoftion to diilinEiòn. And that Nejlcr!us laid they were two as 'difl'innu/hcd but not as divided, and all fhx