Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

this blood, feparation and confufion was between men of one mind , for want of skill in the explication of words; and throughworldly defigns. I know force will lay, were all thefè Cr:uncils of Bifhops fuck fools. in comparifon of you ? But can a man deny notorious trurh hi reverence to Bi- íhops ? If fo,,which part of the Bithops mull I be- lieve if they fay the snow is black : The firrians, and Eutychians were far the greater number. And now as the belt Philofbphers think that expe- riments de fafto mutt be premifed to the Theory, lb we think this touch of hittory mull be confide- red by them that think Jewifh High Prielìhood,or National, Patriarchal or Metropolirical fîaperioti- ty is the neceífary means of the Churches Con- cord : Let them Compare the diffentio s caufed by little village Bithops and fynods for, ineer Con- cord; yea or by feparatiog heady people, With thefe which Patriarchall and Metropolitical feats have caufed,and they will appear tobe to them but as a fcuffie at Billinfgate to the F+-each Wars : And yet we have inftanced but in the bell times of dominion, in comparifon of which Councils, Pre- lates and later times have been á meer huU<crane. In a word, they that think that the mi1chief c:f fuperialr feats are greater than the benefits, do ap- peal to all Church hiftory, whether they have not been the true and principal caufes of the diftraíLi- ons of the Chrifian world, and of the long diviíiort of the Eaft and Weft , and of many civil and grie- vous wars. 4 40. And to the objetions they fay, I. As to Appeals and Government of Inferiors, i. That the Taft appeals have ever been made to General Councils: And how they went when ever the V Prince