à E2 r] every finner mull appeal to a Patriarch many hundred miles off? A lober mind will be afhamed to think of the procefs of fuch a fuir. If you fay that it is not in the cafe of fuch finners as thefe whereofevery Parifh abounds,that you would have appeals, at leaft not to Patriarchs, fo far off; 1 anfwer, i. Then anfwer your own obje6ion : What remedy {hall they have if the Bithop wrong them ? 2. What is the cafe, than that you fuppofe fuch fupraordinations of power neceffary for? If you fay, IfMiniflers themfelves Avoidbe.excommunicate, It is anfwered, That none but Bifhops or other fuperior powers pretend authoritatively asRators to excommunicate Paftors ; Therefore this is no- thing to them that are againft all fuch fuperiority of Paftors: Where none fuch are, none fuch can excommunicate, or be injurious. And if there mutt be a higher Bishop to deliver.men from the injuries of a lower, who fhould deliver us from him, who may injure Kingdoms ? Obj. But it isfuppofd that Patriarchs are witr and better men than Metropolitans, and thole than Bithops, and thole than Priefzs : And that a meer Prieft is not to be trufled with the power of the Keys. Anf. z. The power of the Keys of his particular Church is effential to his Office ; 2. They that will make Priefts of raw lads and naughty fellows, and then plead that fuch mutt not be trufted with theOffice which they'themfelves ordained them to, do condemn themlelves by fuel. allegations, 3.The old Church Government was, for every particular Church, no more numerous than our Parifhes, to have a Bithop and Presbyters And thefe were thought fufficient to judge who was fit fbr their own Communion, 4. Hierom was but a Prieft, & And .i'facedonius, l\Tc(i orius, Diofeorus, Tsmot c. V z ElmrI..