Lì911 Thous, Peter Moggus, Gregory Alex. Lucius Al. rob. Al. feedofîns ..f11. Eulalius Antioch: Euphronius Ant. Placitus Ant. Stephanis Ant. J.eo ices Ant Er doxJus Att. Euzoius Ant. all k;ereticks Were all Pat, iarchs; and to reckon the eormi; ies of the Roman High Prieffs, is a need lefis work. Is it to be fuppofed then, that thefe were better than Priefts ? Doth Chrift fày that it is as ,hard for a rich min to enter into Heaven as for a Camel-to go through a needles eye, and {hail we that are Chriftians fay; that it is to be fuppofed that the rich clergie are better men than the poor ? When Grey. Na ianz,. Saldi that filch greet places ufe to make Bifhops woríè than they Were before, All hiffory tells us what f riving there was for fuch. places? When Eufebius refuted (lnticcl,two Prieffs were prefently at Conßantines elbow to beg that place, and he was fain to mention them ( though they.were not chofen.) What a ffir did Maximus make at Con fantinoplc, Egypt, and with the Empe- Tour to have got Gregories place at Corftantinaple ? And fo with others. And is it not a fiefhly, proud and wordly mind ( which is the work of the De- vil ) which is the importunate feeker ? And muff we needs appeal to filch ? 3. But to come neerer, what need is there of any filch appeal or fuck a Government,- if, I. A Bill-lop. with-his Presbyters be over every particular Church (af ociated for perfmal Communion in holy doctrine, worfhip .and Converfatiori ? ) 2. And if tiefe Churches and affoCiate for meer concord and mutual help ( not for Governing Bifhops ?) 3. And if the Ma- gittrate govern them all as he loth Philofophers, Phyficians, 8(c. For I. If a Bifhop of a particular Church df y one the Sacrament cif' excommunicate