X29 3 him, he doth it juftly or unjustly : If juftly, the perfon mutt fubmit: If unjustly, he may be recei- ved by a neighbour Bifhop who is not bound to rejef thole whom upon trial he fndeth. to have been wrongfully excommunicated : All neighbour Churches must refute thole that are by any one excommunicated juftly; but not all that are wrong-, fully caft out. Some fay that he that cloth excom- municate Both caft a man out of the wholeChurch, and therefore no one elfe may receive liim : But unexplained words muff not fcrve to confound truth, Souls and Congregations. Every MVlinifter, is a Minister in the Universal Church (as every Phyfician and Schoolmafte r is in and to the King- dom ( indefinitely not univerfaliy ) but his work . and power are commenlurate; his power being only to and for his work. Therefore the Biala') or Paftor of one particular Church or Parish, is bound to confine his ordinary labour to them, though occafronally, he may help others. And accordingly his power is to ufe the Keys ord'i=iar;ly for his own Church only, as to the e irer`r e eEt : though extraordinarily he may nie it in other Churches when called thereto ; and by coífequ'vice ;t may reach further : For few Bishops will think if ano- ther Bifhop come into their Dioceffes or Parishes and excommunicate divers of their flocks, that they and all others are bound to ftand to inch mens fentence, and to hold such excommunicate. That which a Paftor doth in ordinary Excommunicating, is to declare ( after proof ) ;hat This perfon is by hisfin and impenitency made uncapable of Commu- nion with the Church, and therE oy e to require him to forbear it, and the p.'opie to avoid Commsinion with him; and to pronurtnce lain unpardoncd before God, 'tí V 3 l