[z94] frill he repent. Now if this be done by one known to be heretical with whom the other Churches have no Commnnion, thofe other Churches are not bound to deny that man Communion. Nor yet if he offer himfelf to their Communion, and they examine the matter, and find him wronged: It is concord in good, and not in evil, that we are bound to by the command of God : Therefore if any man be wrongfully put out of this Church,,the next may and fhould receive him: And what ne. cefl'iry is there then, ofgoing a thoufand or an hun- dred miles to a Pope, or Patriarch, or Diocefàn,to right him? And whoever thought that there was need of an liniverfàl Phyfician, or Schoolmafter,or a General Council of fuch to receive appeals from PatientE and Scholars that are wrongfully turned out of the Hofpital or School? The Caviller will here tell you ofdifparities in the cafes ; but the queftion is, whether thedif rides be fuch as alter the reafon of the Conclufon. What man of confcience will be a Phyfician,School - mafter or Pallor, that hath not power to judge whom to receive for his Patient, Scholar, or part of hs flock, but muff take all that fame other man fi all feed to him, or command him to re- ceive, and give them what others command him to give ? An Apothecary may do fo, but not a Phyfician. What if a man had no other fcandal, but to fay, Iwill not t ake you for my Pafor, nor take: y felf obliged to antveryou, fpeak with you, give yoi- any account of my felt; nor be ,ueflioned by you on any aeeíAfation, mutt I be conftrained to fuppofe this man to be one of my flock in defpite of his own denyal ? If the freedom of content be not mutual, but I muff be conftrained to take thofe for