[2,961 c ils had no forcing power, but only to excotmuÿ n clte by the application ofGods word,and leaving all men to their confciences, would this fort of Government ferve their turn, and keep out Here- firs, or maintain order and unity ? They fay no, themfelve s : And next, whether it be not certain, and confeffed , that the Paftors have no other power, but the Magiftrates only . Obi, Éut (hall all iw;a,gather Churches, and teach Hiercjc., and do what they will ? 1';rf -a r. The power of Popes, PatriarchS or Councils, did not prevent ir, when there Were all the Herelies that fill Epiphanius Volumns : And when the far greateft part of the Clergy was long Aruitan : And when the Ne¡torians and .iutychians fo greatly multiplied after the c.ondernation.of the Councils : And when the Novatians lived fo rn }ny years in reputation : and when the Donatifts nor they were not dituinifhed by Prelates or Councils Cenfiires, till the fword difperfed them. And cannot the Sword be drawn without fuch as have no power of it ? 3. And as to the laft (and greateft) reafon, that the t\çloftles have fucceffors who muff order- ly exerc fe their Government ; it is anfwered z The common doctrine of the Church was, that all BriHoos are their Succeffors fo far as they have fucc;- !lions ; and every Church of one Altar had a . E;11-lop in the dries of Ignatius, and long after. :2. Tht Council of Carthage faid, None of us call- et:l li 1 wlf B4hop of Bifhops. 3. But if any be fet thr Bifhup of puny Bifhops and Churches, fo be i't tht 7:11"e r o violence, but govern volunteers Fk ::.old B41,ops did, and forbid them nothing deu of God , nor command them any thing