t:2971 thing which God forbiddeth, and deftroy not the order, do&rine, worfhip or difcipline of the leffer particular Churches, we have before faid, that we íhall fubi Hr to fuch. 4 4!. 1uv As to the queftion, whether the Go= vernment titled by Chrift in National Churches be (as to the Clergy from all parts, Monarchical)Ari- ftocratical or Democratical,and who muff have the fummam poteft item?Thed ifagreement of theperfons that we have herein to do with, puts us inrö utter deipair ofany folution. And what good will it do us to believe that fome muff be obeyed,ifwe can- not be certain who it is. § 42. V. And tp the queftion, Whether the _Kin be the formal, or only the accidental Church-head ? We find no more agreement. I. Some think that the King, as Melchizedek, is a mixt perfon, fecular and Clergy, and hath both Offices to Life and com- municate, as they fay, the Princes before Aaron bad. 2. Others fay, that this is not fo,but that the Clergy. jurifdition,diffina from the Prieftly com- mon power,is a branch of the Chriftian Magiftrates power, and fo derived from the King. 3, Others fay that the Church, formally, is diItinc`t from the Civil State, though not alwaies materialy: And that the King as King, is but an Accidental Civil Head, as he is over Phyficians and Schoolmafters, being neither himfelf; and that the National Church muff have a formal Clergy- head, (Pei-fend or Colecive ) which fhall in fro genere, be the higheft, though under the Magifttates Civil Go- vernment, as Phyficians are. 4. The Papifts fay,that all National Churches arc under the. Pope as Uni- verfàl Pallor, who may alter them as he fèeth caufe. g'. Some moderate men fas', that only Dio- cefan (and Metrbpolitical) Churches are pure Di-- vino,