vino, and that they are called National, only int.; properly from one King, or concording affociation as ab accidente, and not properly from any formal Cler head , § 43 -, VI. Laftly, which is the fora'yt Head of the Church ofE4glaad,and fo what thae Church is we are left as much uncertain. i. grit be only a Civil Head chat denominateth it One,then it is but a Chri(tian Kingdom, which we never yueftioned,' Md Dr. Rich, Coins, in his Tables of the Englith Church Policy, faith [That the King bath Admini- lrationern fapremxmmagifque abfolutam, que dici- tuY Primatus Regius. And The. Crompton in his de-¡ dication of it to K. Yawns, faith [ Ecclefaaflica Ju rifdidio plane Regia efl, Coronae & dignitatis ve(lrx Regie prima, pracipua,indivifbilis pars : Ecclefi2fii- ee leges Reghc font, neque alibi oriuntur,aut aliande fuflentantssr, nut fulciuntur : penes Ecclegaflicos ju- dices per Archiepifcopos & Epzfopos,derivata a Re; se pore/I-ate, jurifditio Eccle/iaflica con/i(lit : And yet our Kings and Church explaining the Oath of Allegiance, declare that the King prerendeth not to the Prietthood, or power to adminiíter the Word and Sacraments; but, as Crompton adds from Conflantine, is extra Ecclegam confbitutus a Deo E- pifcopus alü intra Ecclegarn Epifcopi. This is plain :. If they hold to this, and claim no power in , the Englifh-Policy, but as the Kings Officers, in that part which belongeth toChriltian Magiftrates,who will oppofe them ? But this reacheth not to the Keys, Preaching or Sacraments. z. Some fay that the King is partly a Clergy min, as Mdcbizcdf'kx and fo that he is the format Head, and might per- form the Prieftly Office if he would But this our Kings have themní'elves: renounced, 3. Some lay that