[2991 that the Archbifhop of Canterbury is the formal Head ; but that cannot be, becaufe he is no Go- vernour over the Arch-Bifhop of Tork, or his Province. 4. Moft fay that the Convocation is the formal Church- Head, which makes it One Politi- cal Church. But I. Iffo, then why faith the Canon that the Convocation[is the true Church ofEngland by Rep, efentation] and thole excommunicate that deny it ? We enquire after the Church-Head or Goverhour : And that which is but the Church it felfby reprefcntation, is not its Head, unlefs the Head and Body be the fame, and the Church go- vern it felf and fo it be Democratical : The go- verned and Governours, fare, are not the fame. 2. And the Surearn Power is fuppofed, by thofe that take Lpifcopacy for a diftincft Order, to be in the SupreamOrder only : But the far greater part of the Convocation are not of the Supream Order Nay, thus the Presbyters fhould be partly the chief Governours of the Bifhops while they make Canons for them. 3. When we did but motion that according to Arch-Bilhop Vfhers form of the Primitive Epifcopacy, Presbyters might joys with the Bithops in proper executive Church-govern- ment inftead of Lay - Chancellors, and fsch like, they decryed it as Presbytery, and call us Presby terians ever fince : And if they fay that the Frei byters have fo great a part in the SupreamGo- vernment it felf, which obligeth all the Nation, how much more would/ they be themfelves Ptef- byterians, which they fo abhor ? § 44. Having oft laid that we delire Chrif7ian Kingdoms as the great bleffing of the world, we mean not either that i. All in a Kingdom fi,ould be forced to be baptized, or profefs thenifelves Chri-