r 001 Chriftians, whether they are fo or not : For lying will not lave men, nor pleafe God ; and even the Papiffs are agaìnft this : z. Nor that all Mould be fuppofedto be Chriftians that are in theKingdom. But that the Kings be Chriftians, and the Laws countenance Chriflianity,, and the moll or ruling part ofthe Kingdom be Chriftians, and all puff en- deavours ufed to make all the reff fo: The An- cient Churches continued them Catechumens till they were fit for Baptifin ; and though they were for Infant- Baptifin, they compelled none tobe bap- tized in Inf.+ncy, or at Age, but left it to free choice. They baptized but twice a year ordinari- ly. They kept mny offenders many years from communion. And if Crabs Roman Council fibfit- veg. be true, they at R3110, alon:tted not penitents till forty years (underftand it as you fee caufe The true E.liberrine Canons kept many out fo ma -. ny years, and many till death, and many abfolute- ly, as (hewed that they were far from taking all the Nation into the ' ,hurch. And the Chriflian Emperours compelled none. It was long before the greateit part of the Empire were Chriftians. In the dai-es iralens, the Bl hops were forne of them haniíhed into places that had few Chritlians, if any. In France is fell, even in Sr. lfrilrtin's dales, the Chriftians of his flock were not the moil, but he wrought miracles to convince the Heathens that raged againft Chritlianity,where he dwelt,&c. 4 i. There are two appendent Controverfies han ":fedby fame that write for National Churches; which need but a brief folution : The firil is,whe- ther it be not an Independent Errour toexpert real hounds in Ch3rch-rnembç'rs,4s weeffary in the pd - m:nt