[3011 meet ofcharity? The fecund, Whether it be not ffrch an Errour to require tine bond ofx Covenant be- fide the Baptilmal Covenant ? 2. To the firff we liv, that fo much is written on this point by oneofus in a Treatife called Drf- putations of Right to Sacraments, &c. that we think meet to fay no more: The Opponentsnow confèfs that it mutt be Paving Faith and Confent to the Baptifmal Covenant that muff be profefled : And Papifts. and Protettants agree with all the Ancient Church, that Baptifm putteth the true Contenter into a !fate ofCertain pardonand title to rite : And God maketh not known lying a condition of Church-communion : He that believeth, and is baptized, frail befaved. It is true, that God bath not made Knitters Arbitrary Judges of mens fecret thoughts, but bath limited them in judging to take their tongues that prcfefs Faith and Con `cnt to be the indices of their minds : But Pure the power of the Keys containeth a power of judging according to Chrift's Law, who is to be taken into the Church by Baptifm, and whonot : If only the feeker be made Judge, it will be a new way of Church-Government, and a bad. And then the queftion is, i. Whether he that accepts ones pro- feflion feemingly terious, ofFat i'3 and Confent, and that de pr&ferte, is not bound to hope in charity that fùch a one doth not lie or diffemble ? 2. Whe- ther a baptized perlon, as fuch, have no right to our fpecial love which we owe to thofe that we hope, are true Believers, and fànctified ; btt only to ourcommon love and kindnefs,whichbelongeth to thofe. allo that are the heirs of Hell ? Some friends that are gone from extream to extream, and in remembrance cf their ancient Schifms, can look i