[303] ving the mailer of fuch deíigns) as much as a leg; or an arm in the way. 3. At leaft we would intreat them to hate that miftake, which will pretend to do all this for charity,unity and the Churches good ; and to be- lieve that it is no fign of charity, I. To believe that charity fhould not he exercifed in judging that men profeffing faving faith do (peak the truth , and have the faith that they profefs .: 2. Nor to teach all Chrifts Church,that a baptized Church member as fuch is to be lookt on but as a man in a fiate of damnation; and noman is bound to love him as a true Chriftian with a (pedal love: 3. And that to prove that a man is not to be taken for a true Chriftian,but to be admitted intoChurch Communion as one that fhall have a greater dam- nation thanheathens,without a further renovation, is a great aâ ofCharity, Contrary to the unchari- table narrownefs of others.Thefe are too great re- ceffes from Arahaptifrry,but not from real Schifm. 3. As for t',ìufe that will not take the irtelli eni fe rjoys pt o fi f on of true Faith, . and Covenant- Co»tent for a credible fign of the fincerity of the iProfeffor, till they can fufficiently difprove it, but will be the arbitrary Judges of mens hearts, either as pretended heart-fearchers, or by felf-deviled, or uncertain figns, not taking up with this Pro- feflion, we are no Patrons of fuch mensprefump- tïon and uncharitablenefs. § 4. There are various degrees of Credibility in mens prole lions ; fome give us fò much as is next to certainty; fome but fmall h opes : Eut yet till we can difprove them, we are to take their profeffions as credible in fome degree. And if they prove falfe, it is they that will have the.lofs. § S