C3 as] tteft toattain the end : why Mould we nOt deal openly and above board? § 6.11 is certain that tobe a Chriftian maketh no man a member of any mans particular flock or charge. And it is certain that none can bP fuch without content. And it is certain that the Paftor is not to take every Atheift, Jew, Infidel, Paplt, Heretick, &c. in his Parifh for a member of the Univerfal, or of that particular Church. Therefore he mutt know whom to take for fuch Aqd it is certain that the content mutt be mutual, ló far is the Pallor from being a (lave, and bound to every mans defìres, that he is entrufted with he Church Keys himlèlf. § 7. A worthy perfon on this fùbjeft maketh there fax things fufficient to Fisch Church relation : 7. That they be barredChriffians; 2;1\ eighbours bound to mutual love ; 3. And apt to Neighboudly duty ; 4, That providence make us fuch Neigh- bours ; 5. Scripture Churches took their name from cohabiration: 6. The command of authority, that fo it fhall be. Frefh juat. pag. 260. Anf. By making there fix the fùfficient proof of Parifh Churches, our friend unhappily would confequentlyunchurch them all : For if this were all, certainly they were none at all. For alt thefe (which he maketh more than they are)are but the' difpoßtio nateriæ, antecedent to any reception of the form, i. For all that he inferrethor can iufet° from them all is obligation to co;2Jent and to other duties after confent. But obligation maketh not tht relation of a member : All that are obliged to be Chriftians are not Chriffians a. Ali that are obl`i'ge/a to be Pattors are not Pattors,:=Nor an that are ob- ged tò confent fïrft and to dr, the duty t' z'afìiors X after'