Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[3ot i after : Even as 2.11 that are obliged to, content to be fUbicas, I . sbdrd4, Wives, Mailers, Servants, tutors, Scholars, &c. \ are nor filch : If meer cb- ligation ferve to one relation, why not toothers ? 2. Elfe a man might be a true Pallor unchofen, unordained and againh his will. Forhe may by his qualifications be obliged to be ordained and to become a Pallor. 3. And fo the people may be the fl :k of one that was obliged to be their Pallor, when another is ter over them and in poffeffion, becaufe it was the firft that was obliged, and they to choofe him : And fo utter Confiufion will come in : And if a man can prove that another mans wife and fervant was obliged tobe his, he may take them as his indeed. 3. By this rule all the Fapifts, Seekers, Quakers &c. that renounceour Churches, thould yet be members of them, be- caufe they live in the Pariah, and are commanded to be members: Which who believeth ? 4. A mem- ber of a Church hath right to Communion and Minifterial vigilancie and help: But fo bath not every baptized çerf;.m that is commanded to bea verrfbtier, and obeyeth not that command. If a man fay to a Paftor, I will be none of your flock, or Church, but vet I require you to do the office of a Paftor to mc,though I renounce your relation to me. and the people to ufe me as a member of the flock, becaufe I am commanded to be a member, this were a ftrange claim. 5. If this did bold, then no man that liveth in the Pariah could be a proper feparatift, fo as to break off himfelf from that Church, nor become a member of ano- *her, unlefâs he apoftatized from Chrift : For he be gill under the Magiftrates Command and 4ab sb. iou, : But the confequent is abfud : Why- do the