Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

F307] the fame men (peak fo much againft fchifmatical rending mens felves from the true Churches, and gather ngother Churches,if there he no fuch thing? The Liws change not,which oblige them. 6. They that art ar;ainll ;;:)1 and fingulariry, Mould be againft this opnion,be aut (as it is utterly abtiird, fo) it is notorioufly contrary ro the Judgment of all the Chriítian world in all ages to this day,as ac- quaintance with Church hiflory may fully inform them. They hive ever taken mutual content be- tween'the Paitors and the flock ro be neceffa.ry to the being of a particular Church ;and that what- ever they were obliged-to, theywere not acclually related to each other as P ftor and flock till they contented :rind therefore have noted fchilnatical Churches in the Cate Cities that have been no parts of theChurch which they difowned. § 8. But it is objefted, that this unchurcheth our Pariíh-Churches, and all the Churches in the world. Anf. Not one : But the contrary would. Our Pariíh- Churches are affociated by mutual content : The Pallor expreffeth his content openly at his inititution, induction and officiating : The Flocka Thew their confent by aetual fubmitting to his Mi- nisterial Office : They hear hirn, and communicate ordinarily with him, and leek Minifterial help from him; though all that are in the Parifh do not fo, thofe do it that are indeed his flock.orCburch, They do not perhaps by word or writing covenant to fubmit to him as their Pallor, but they do t by actual fignification of content to the re- lation. And the Bifhops in Confecration enter into 4 Covenant to watch over the flock (as do' the Priefts) and the Priefts prornife (ifnot fwear, in X 2 England)