[3on .Engl4nd) to obey them : This is a Covenant' § 9. It 6 obje&ed that this is a difparagement to Baptifm, which is the only Church-making Co- venant. r f Baptifm only, as fuch,maketh us members of the univerfal Church ; but is not enough to make us ofany Mlnifiers fpecial flock : I am not a member of the Church of Tork, Norwich, Briftol, &c. becaufe I am baptized : Nor am I a member of the Parifh - Church now vvhere I was baptize& Content to be a Chrif}ian is one thing, and con- fcnt to be a member of this particular Church,and to take this man more than all the retf about us, for the Guide of my foil], is another. t:o. And if a man would fay, I will be a mem- ber of this Parifh Church, and you (hall perform fomuch of your Office as I delire, and no more ; I. will hear and receive the Sacrament :but when I eafcè, and I will not admit you to catechize or in of any of my family, nor vifit the fick, nor will I be refponfible to you for any thing that I hold, or fay, or do ; nor have any thing to do with you, but in the Chnrch; is a Minifter bound to do his office to men, or take them for his fpecial flock on thefe terms 2 The ancient Churches had abundance of firid, Canons; if the people Mould have choí n a Bifliop, and laid, We will obey none of thefe Canons, nor 1e 6u, but you foal] be our Bi- Thop on our terms, was he bound to have content- ed, and to have been fi'ch a B fhop? This is really the cafè of no fr is it part of i=:%gland, though they fá,y it not ¿punk* by words. i r. st is objen-ed that as . Jpr f les, fo ordain- ed iiiiìi ers have their a ;- thority t-e1,re the conic' nt of the people and receive it tat from them. din!.