r L3®9 'Anf. Y. Who ever queftioneth it, that is con liderate, as to an indefinite charge in the Church univerfal? But what's that to the queftion ? Are all the Minifters in the. world bound to be the Paflors of this Parith or Diocefs ? Our queftion is what conftituteth the relations between a Pallor and his Particular flock ? Doth not the ordainer here fay , 'fake thou authority to Preach the Word of God, &c. when thou art thereto lawful- ly called? Becaufe a man is a Licenfed Phyfician without me, doth it follow that he is my Phy- fician without my confent ? 2. Are all thole Church- members that Minifters are authorized to preach to? Then all the Heathen -world are Church members. 3. They receive not authority from the people; but their confent is neceffary to make thernfelves capable receivers of the re- lation and right of Church- members. God, and not the Wife, giveth the Husband the fuperiority; but he is no filch Husband to any that confenteth not. § 12. God hath laid mens rights and benefits on their wills, fo that no man can have them againft his will. It is a great priviledn,e to have right to communion with a particular Church, and to this Or that faithful Paflors overfight : And its new Doftrine to far, that unwilling perfons have this right, becaufe tley are willing of fomething elle, viz. to be members of the Church uni- verfal. § 13. We conclude therefore that both ex- treams here are falle ; i. That men can be adult members of a particular Church that confent nor, or taken for fuck that no way fignifie their con- f nt, and that it is not ufeful a4 bene ejJe tha.r this X 3 confent