Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

the greateft defenders ofPrelacy, affirming-that Clafíes, Provincial, Patriarchal, and National Chutches,are but humane inftitutions; of which more anon. Seat. VIII, We find no proof that ever God determined the Churches Mould neceffarily be individuated by Parifh-bounds or limits of ground ; and that men in the fame limits might not have divers Biíhops, and be of divers par- ticular Churches. Seat. IX. We never faw any fatisfaftory proof that ever Chrift or his Apoftles did inititute any particular Church (taken in a Political fenfe as organiz.ed,and not meerly for a Community)with- out a Bifhopor Paftor, who had the power of Teaching them, Ruling them by the Word and Power ofthe Church-Keys, and leading them ih publick Worfhip. Seat. X. Nor did we ever fee it proved, that any one Church of this firft Ranh (which was not an Affociation ofChurches)confifted in Scripture- times of many (much lets many fcore or hun- dred)fuch fixed Churches or Congregations: Or that airy one Bifhop of the firft Rank (that was not an Apoftle, or a Bifhop ofBifhops)of whom we now fpeak not, had more than one of fuch fixed Societies or Churches under him Or might have more Rated members ofhisChurch, than were capable of Perfonal Communion, and mutual affiftance at due feafons, in holy Do- atrine,Difcipline and Worfhip : Though we doubt not but as now, there are many Chapels in force Parifbes, where the aged, weak, children, and all in foul weather, or by other hinderances may hear, and pray, and occafionally commu- nicate,