[po] confent be intelligent and exprefs, and that the Offices contented to be truly under.ifood. 2. That a written or verbal covenant is of abroh te necef- fity ; or that men Mould tie themfelves to any thing doubtful, or unneceffary, but only to the relation and duties ofarmbets (as of the univerfal fo) of that particular Church, Both thefe ex- treams we do renounce. Mr, Zac'aary Gatvdry!, a Conformift, bath f ewed in a particular Treatife for Church covenanting, how far he is from the mind of rhofe Objetor; for he vvonld have the people engaged by covenant te their Bifhops and Priefts. § 14. To conclude, though we renounce fana- tick Enthufiafts, yet ferious confideration maketh tome of us think, that too little notice is taken of the HOLY GHOST fetting Paftors over the flocks, vvhich the Scripture mentioneth : And though none on pretence of the Spirit muff rejet order or ordination, nor make themfelves the role Judges of their own íiìflïciency ; yet i. The due qualification ofmen with wifdom, faith, love, and heavenly zeal, and ability, is the molt excellent part of our Calling to the Minifiry. 2. Ex quovis line non fit Mercurius; without neceffary fitnefs no man is a true Paíor havingnot difpofitionerr re-- c ptivam : And without eminent fitnefs, few are eminently ferviceable. 3. Experience affureth us, that though the Office bath fupernumtriaries, yet of worthy men God never yet railed up fupernu- rneraries, but the fcarcity is lamentably great. 4. All therefore that are duly qualified and have opportunity, frould be chofen, ordained, accepted, and accept the Call, if not offer themfelves, iu cafe