All, -and by the pvblick iudgment and tei}imony be approved worthy and meet : As in iVorrobtrs the Lord commanded ?4 f s faxing, Take Aaron thy .br loe.F, and Eleazer his Son, and fit them before all the Con eg,tron on the Mount, ard take of' ,Barons /foies, andp;t it on Lieazer his Son, and let Aaron die there. God commandeth that the Prleft be made before all the Congregaíio7; that is, he inftrkaferh us, and íhewerb that t ate .Prieltly Ordi- nations Mould not be dune tinder the con- fcience ofthe afhfting people, that the Lay-people being prefent, either the crimes of bad men may be deteaed, or the deferts of good men pred Ga- ted ; ` that fó that Ordination may be juft and le- gitimate, which hath been examined'by the judg- ment and fuffrage of .fill. 5. Which thing is after obferved according to the Divine Magiíreries in the Aas of the Apoftles, when Peter fpake to the Lay- people about Ordaining a Bithop in the place of7udas, Peter, faith the Text, flood up in the midft of the Difciples, for the multitude was to- gether in one. And it was not only in the Ordina- tions ofBifhops and Priefts, but of Deacons alfó, that we note- the Apoí}les to have obferved this. Of which allo in their Aas it is written, and the twelve, faith the Text, called together the whole Laity of the-Difciples, and fa ;c1 to them. And the whole bufinefs it managed thus diligently and cati- teloufly, the vthole Laity being convocate, left any unworthy per:òn thould creep into the 1lß inifiry of the Altar, or the place of Friel-Mood. For God hinrfelf manifefterh by the. Prophet Ofee, laying, r y have made t"2emfi ives a Kg, but not by me ; that unworthy men are fOrliet_n1es ordained by mans prefumption, and that thefe thirgs-are dit pleating