Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

1-3161 pleating to God, which come not of a legitimate and ;uff Ordination. 6. For which caute it is di- ligently to he obferved and held as of Divine Tradition, and Apoitolical ,Obfervation, which is held alit) with us, and in a manner (or almoft) through all the Provinces, that to the right cele brating ofOrdinations, all the next Bifhops ofthe Province core together to the Lay-people to whom the Bifhop (prapofît,ts) is ordained,añd that a Bithop be made, the Lay-people being prefent, who molt fully know every mans life,and difcern every mans wing by his converfadon ; which we fee done al- fo with your felves in the Ordination of our Col- league Sabinus, that by the fuß>age of the whole fraternity, and by the judgment of the Bifhops, who at the prefent met, and 'who wrote Letters of it to you, the Epifcopacy (hould be delivered to him, and hands should be laid on him inftead of '13,0744. Nor can it refcind the Ordination which was rightly perfeted, that Bafilides, after his crimes dete'c`ted, and his confcience laid bare by his own confefain, going to Raw, deceived our Colleague Stephef, who lived far off, and was ignorant ofthe matter of fad, and of the filenced truth, that he might compafs to he unjuffly re- placed in his Bifhuprick, from whichhe had been j.afily depofed, 7. 'fhe errea of this is, that the offences ofBafälades are not fo much abolífhed, as cumulate, that to his former fins, the crime ofde- ceit and circumvention is added. For he is not fo arch c to be blamed, that was negligently decei- ved, as he to be execrated that fraudulently deL ceived ruiai. But if Buflides can deceive men, he cannot deceive God. For it is written, God is not asa -1,ed. Mr will fallacy profit Martial. to keep him