Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

3181 hibited from Clergy Ordination, and Prieftlÿ ho nour. 8. And let not this move you, molt belo- ved Brethren, ifwith fore in the laft times, their flippery Faith do nod, and their irreligious fear of God do shake, or pacific_ Concord perfevere not : It was foretold that thefe things would be to- wards the end of the world ; and by the joynt- witnefs of the Apof}les it was foretold, that the world declining, and Antichrift drawing near, all good things would fail (or decay) and evil and adverfe things increafe ( or profper. ) And yet, though it be in the laft times, neither is Evan- gelical vigor fo fallen in the Church of God, or doth the ftreng ti of Chriftian Virtue or Faith fo languifh, but that there remaineth a portion of .Priefts, which yields nor to tliefè ruines of things, and ibipwrack of Faith, but as strong and fiable do =with obfervation of fear maintain the honour of the Divine Majtfty, and the Frieftly dignity. We remember and hold, that when the reit did yield and fall,Mathatias did valiantly defend the Law of God : And that when the Jews tailed and depart- ed from Divine Religion, Tics ítood and (trove fublimely : That Daniel, neither deterred by the folitude of a ftrange Country, nor by the inferta- tion of daily perfecution, did frequently and va- liantly give glorious teftirnonies (et Martyrdoms) and that the three young men, neither broken withyears, nur threats, 'lip faithfuly hand out a- gainft the Babylonian fires, and even in their cap- tivity conquered the conquering King, 9. The number ( or party) of prevaricators or trayors that now r z fe up in the Church aaa nft the Church, and have begun to (pail both Faith and Verity, shall fee it ; that yet with the molt there remain- etb