Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

C; 191 eth a fincere mind, and entire Religion, a foul de- voted to none but their Loid and Cod ; and that other mens perfidioufnefs doth not deprefs the Chriftian Faith to ruine, but doth mote excite it, and exalt it unto glory. Even as the biefi'ed A- poftle Paul exhorteth and faith, What sj few of them have fallen from Faith? fhall their t: nbelìef make void the faith ;;l God ? Gca is true, and every man a lyar : And if every man be a lyar, and God only be true, what the fht uld we,. Gods fevants,do, and fpecially his PrieLxs, but telinquh the errours and lies of men, and keeping the Lords commands, remain in the truth of God ? io. Therefore, molt beloved brethren though there have been fome of our Colleagues, who think that the Divine Difcipline fhould be negiet` ed, and do rafhly com- municate with l3aflides and M.47tsat, that 'ought not to trouble our Faith, teeing the Holy Ghoft in the Flaws doth threaten fùch, laying, Thou hatedfl Dip spline, and haft calf my words behind thee : If thou faweft a Thjef; thou concurredft with him, and didft place thy portion with Adulterers. It fheweth that they are made Confòrts and par- takers of other mens tins, who have been coupled with the finrers. And 1 out the Apoffle writeth the fame thing, and faith [Whsfperers, detratrors, haters of God, infursouu, prc/de ,ht s ofthernfclves, inventors of evil things; who when thy knew the judgment cf God, they underflood not that they that do juch things are worthy of death; not only they that do them. but they that cor,fent to them that do them. He faith, that 7 h that ola Juch things are worthy of death.. He manifefteth and averreth that not only they are worthy ofdeath, and come to punifhment who do the evils, but they