[32oí they alto who content to them that do fuch things; who while by unlawful communication they are mingled with bad men, and fanners, and impeni- tent perfons, they are polluted by the contact of the guilty ; and while they are jovned in the fault, they are not teparated in the punifhment. Where- fore, molt belovedbrethren, we both praife and approve the religious care ofour integrity and faith ; and as far as we are able by our Letters, exhort you, that you do not by facrilegious com- munion mingle your felves with prophane and blotted Priefts (or Bifhops;) but in religious fear do keep entire and fncere the firmnefs of your Faith. I with, molt dear Brethren, your con- tinual welfare. getter of the famouflyLearned and HolyRobert Groíthead, Bfhop of Lincoln, to P :pe innocent the fourth,and his Cardinals,containing the reafons ofhis Nonconfovmity to their Commands ; 7ranf' lacedout of Matth. Paris, _An. i243. pag. 871, 872. SAith Al Paris, In thefe dales tvhen the Lord Pope Innocent the 4th. had fignified by his Apo- itolick Writings, commanding the Bithop of Lin coln that he thould do foinewhat which he took to be unjuft, and dilforant to reafon, as he frequently did to him and other Englifh Prelates ; he wrote back to him in thee words [Be it known to your dit- cretion, that I devoutly and reverently, with filial affec`tion,obey ';he Apojtr:lieal Precepts : And being Lcaloes4 ofthe patern;il horjoar,1 am agnainf and refift the things whichgare aga4 the. .Apoflolical mandates Porn