[3zß] For t am bound to both by Gods Commands i Ivor the d4,poftolick mandates, neither are, nor in be and ether, than confonant and conform to the .Apoftle: Dol=trine, and ta the Doctrine of our Lord /efus Chrift himfef, the Mafter and Lord of the A- poftles, whofe type and perfon the Lord Pope chiefly beareth in the Hierarchy of the *It mft be known Church*. For our Lord refus that this Bishop 1i- Chrift hinmfeiffaith, He that is li ved in the depthof not with me, is againit me. But Popery , and ac- the molt Divine Saní`tity of the the Popes Power , as Apoffolical Seat, is not, nor can- men do now the not poffiiily beagainft him (jails B.ifhops. Chrift) Therefore the tenor of the foreffaid Letter is not confonant to the ApoflolickSanc`tity ; but very much abfonant and difcordant : Firft, becaue of the faperaccumulated Non obifante of that Letter, and fuch like, that are difperf_ edfar and wide, not brought in by any neceffiry of obferving the Law of Nature; whence a deluge of inconftancy, audacioátf- nefs, and procacity, immodefty, lying, deceiving, hardly believing or trufting any doth arife And from thefe a deluge of innumerable vices, moving and troubling the purity of the Chriftian Religion, and the tranquility o ffacial humane converfation. Moreover, next after the fin ofLucifer, which in the later times will be alto the fin ofAntichrift the Son of perdition, which the Lord will deftray with the fpirit of his mouth, there neither is, nor can be any other kind offin fo adverfe and conti ary to the 4poftles and the Evangelical Doctrine, and fo hateful, deteftable and abominable to our Lord re,- firs Chrift himfelf, as to kill and defiroy fouls by defrauding there of the. care of the .Paftoral Office and Miniftry : Which fin they are by Lmafi evident X zefs: